Visiting ReUrbi

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Visiting ReUrbi

When theory meets practice - and it's even better!

Our Bimonthly Meeting on 26.09.2024 was an immersion in the journey of ReUrbi, a Circular Economy and Sistema B case in Jacareí (SP). In the words of its CEO, Ronaldo Stabile, we were able to learn first-hand about the motivations, the lessons learned and the countless possibilities for engagement, whether individual, “in the CPF”, as Leonardo Lima, from Dreams & Purpose Consulting, teased, and/or as an organization. 

After the Bimonthly Meeting, we were able to get to know the operation - a lesson in the aspects that inhibit the Circular Economy and the ways to overcome them!

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Several members of Rede ACV are already partners in the initiatives, and our goal is to promote interaction between them even more, reaping learning and progress on so many urgent fronts!

Thanks to Rodrigo Stabile | Luiz Carlos Bertoncello | Aline Galvão | Flávia Aparecida Philadelpho Bezerra & the whole team!

Action promoted by the Rede ACV's Working Groups: Circular Economy, coordinated by Alessandra Gonçalves de Freitas (Green Deal and Vale) and Rebeca Venâncio (Eco+ Foundation), and Social, coordinated by Juliana Araujo Silva (Braskem).